Friday, August 29, 2008

So here I am again in Ohio, wondering why I came, but at the same time knowing why. Driving from Dayton back to Hillsboro, I loved watching the green lush scenery and the never ending land of crops upon crops. I love that about Ohio, it's so GREEN! :-) I think.... I lost my train of thought. So yes, I'm here for the family reunion that I haven't been to since I was a kid and I'm sorta excited to be meeting family that I've never met and to see some family that I haven't seen in years, or at least since April when my Grandpa died. I'm anxious to see what this mini trip brings.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Quiet Summer

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's been a quiet summer for me here. I've been working a lot and stopped serving and am just hosting. Hopefully I'll go back to serving once I give my shoulder a break but we'll see. I could really use the money. Classes are still going well and I was up a few weekends this summer to stay with Grandma in Denver for some photography workshops. I would love to move up here and finish that degree. Grandma doesn't understand why I'm doing it and just wants me to teach- when I don't want to do that remotely. I'm looking more into counseling, something like I did with Smart Girl! Woot! Also, I'm going back to Ohio Labor Day weekend. I need a little escape and I'm also just wanting more time to reflect on this year. My Great Aunt died this summer so that brings this number to 3. No one else is sick enough to die in my family so here's to hoping. (that sounds horrible I know, but really... I'm not even done grieving for the previous person and then someone else dies... argh)

Monday, June 9, 2008


So today is my dad's birthday and he's now the big 51! This is an interesting birthday for him since it's the first one since Grandpa died. I am also having an interesting time dealing with it- from more of the reflective state anyway. No travel plans made yet, but looking at going back to Ohio later this year. We'll see!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mother's Day

So for Mother's Day this year, we went to The Melting Pot. It's become a favorite for us and celebrating events. Last year, my birthday, this year, Mother's Day, and who knows from there. Anyway, since we hadn't been there since being gluten-free, I was nervous, but while making the reservation, I asked and they said it was possible. I was super excited. We had this great server named Michelle who made sure that everything was perfect for the gluten-free fondue night. Since we had one burner, we all did the oil and did a Big Night out and a half, since it was three of us. We did cheese with corn startch instead of flour. She made sure that instead of ravioli, there was extra meets and that with the batters, mom and dad couldn't use them until I was done cooking. And chocolate, well, we use to Cookies and Cream, Marshmallow Dream, but can't any more, but we did anyway and had the cookies on the side. I had my own platter with regular marshmallows, extra strawberries and loved it! I couldn't believe that such a high end restuarant had gluten-free accomodations and didn't seem bothered. I can only imagine that it's extra work. The night was lovely and wonderful and I grabbed a job application on the way out! We'll see! (x-posted in gluten free)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

On the road

Driving back to Ohio to bury my Grandfather... tis a strange feeling. I am left unsure of how I feel. I know that I haven't let much get to be and I've become numb in many ways. I feel like I've been an empty shell-- but I also feel relieved. Is that wrong? I love roadtrips, thus the title of the blog. I like to imagine that I'm always on an adventure. There was a time in my life when I didn't go a year without being on plane some where, or in a car heading somewhere. I love that about my life and it is actually one thing that I loved about being a military brat. I got to see a lot, meet some great people, make the best friends and in the end, took all my experiences with me. This year, my roadtrips are going to consist of mainly driving back and forth between home and Denver for classes- that should be interesting, but I get to stay with my Grandmother, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm trying to find the feelings that I feel like I should be having, the emotions I should be displaying, but I don't know that I will in the coming week, much less the coming month. I've become so numb and so blaize about my feelings that I'm wondering if I will ever be able to feel again. *sighs* I'm finally going to try and get some sleep on this funky pull our chair bed thing.

Friday, April 11, 2008

<3 this song

In relation to what I mean....

I have lost many people in my life and when I reflect on that, I might get a little depressed at first, but when I think about the great times that I had, the great lives that did have and how they touched my life, and were those footprints in the sand, I smile. A heart felt good bye...

Thursday, April 10, 2008


It is interesting what life gives us. I truly believe that we are only given as much as we can handle. If you think it's too much, you are being tested. With the events that happen in my life, I have looked at my life and tried to evaluate where I am, where I want to be and how I can get there. With that, I have realized that I am truly blessed, but also there is so much more to life and so much more that I can do in life. As I look at life and decide what I want, I have realized that life is truly a stage, you are the main character and in the end, you are responsible for your actions, you are accountable for yourself and the people you meet a long the way do leave footprints in the sand, imprints on your heart, and regardless of how long they are casted into your play called life, they always have a lasting effect and affect on where you stand today.